Space Siege is a sort of RPG game that takes you to space. Once you are out there, you have to save humanity from an alien invasion. The first cut-scenes are alarming and thrilling. You see a whole armada of alien ships entering Earth's atmosphere. However, you are not even told who those aliens are or what they want. You will (hopefully) find that out during the game. There was only one ship that made it through the original attack, and guess what, you are on it. After you see how Earth explodes into a gazillion of little pieces, you are introduced to your character: a combat engineer. There were some aliens left on your ship, and you have to take care of them. It is unclear how the game will progress after the first few missions, but maybe that is a good thing. The graphics were amazing from the little of the game I could see. The RPG approach fits the plot, too. I don't really call myself a fan of these kinds of games, but graphics-wise, the game looks very pretty. The story is appealing and will probably last for a couple of days.